What You Need to Know About Surf Fishing in North Carolina

The North Carolina coast is well-known for record catches and is a top fishing destination in the country. If you’re new to surf fishing or need to brush up on what you need, look no further. Before you head out to cast your line, make sure you have a permit in hand and the proper gear for a delightful surf fishing outing.
Surf Fishing Gear
If you’re a beginner, you don’t have to spend a ton of money to get what you need to start surf fishing. While custom fishing rods might be in your future, for now choose an inexpensive rod that works well in the surf. You’ll also need fishing line made to withstand the rough ocean without breaking. Monofilament nylon line is a good choice to start with. You’ll also need a rig to hold your hook in place. There are different rigs for the different types of catch you want to try for. Depending on the fish you’re hoping to catch, you have to choose the correct bait or lures. Research before you head to the beach so you know exactly which bait you need.
Know the Natural Conditions
Surf fishing success is dependent on weather conditions, tides and even the seasons. Many fish migrate up and down the coast. Make sure you know which fish are available to catch throughout the year and plan accordingly. North Carolina beachfront rentals are plentiful and will allow you to keep an eye on the tides and weather. High tide is generally the best time to fish. Head out to the beach around two hours before high tide arrives and you’ll have plenty of time to fish for a few hours. Fish are more active feeders during dawn and dusk, so if you can time a high tide around those hours, you’ll have a better chance to reel in a big catch.
Types of Surf Fishing
Pier fishing can be an easy entry point into the world of surf fishing. Less effort is needed to cast your line and it can be easy to spot where the fish are lurking. If the birds are hovering around certain areas, you can be sure there are fish available in the water. Surf casting is the most popular type of surf fishing on the coast. All you have to do is take your gear to the beach and begin casting.
Surf fishing can become a favorite activity for every member of the family and with the right gear and a little know-how, it can be enjoyable and relaxing.