Which Lake Aeration System Should You Choose?
Lakes serve many purposes, from catching rainwater runoff to offering a fishing spot. However, if you leave them unmanaged, they can become unbalanced and jeopardize the ecosystems within them. To remedy and prevent these imbalances, lake aeration systems are used. These create an oxygen-rich lake which offers many benefits.
For instance, they can convert phosphorous into other forms that don’t promote algae growth. While whole lake systems may not be your first thought that pops into your head when you need to remedy algae problems, they are a great way to create a balance that prevents algae from growing. Additionally, they can help sustain an environment where fish, phytoplankton, and other organisms can thrive. Furthermore, you can use them to reduce the amount of sediment found sitting on the bottom of a pond. All of these can reduce the amount you pay for maintenance in your lake. However, the biggest question is which system you should choose.
Floating Fountains
Shallow lakes can benefit from floating fountains that spray water out of the pond and into the air to create a decorative pattern. Oxygenation occurs when water splashes back to the surface and released submerged gases. These systems tend only to be useful for shallow lakes and are relatively ineffective for deep ponds.
Submersed Systems
Submersed systems are great for moving water in deep areas. These use an on-land compressor to pump oxygen from the air into a subsurface tube. The air emerging as bubbles from this tube pushes the water at the bottom of a pond to the top to promote the mixing of oxygen layers. Therefore, you will end up with a higher oxygen rate throughout all of the water in your lake. Additionally, these systems are great when you cannot plug a fountain into a nearby power source because you can convert them, so they run on solar or wind power.
Whether you want a floating fountain for an urban pond or a submersed system running on an eco-friendly solution for a deep lake in the woods, there are options for your body of water. These options have unique traits that make them better suited to one body of water over the other. The key to getting the benefits of an aeration system is to ensure you get the right option. Once you find the right fit, you will be able to enjoy the reduced algae, improved ecosystem, less sediment, and better oxygenation associated with these systems.